Sunday, 2 November 2014

Week Five; Stylized Rock

    The beginning of Week Five, me and my first year peers are set a new project: “The Stylized Rock Project”. The brief was we had to concept, model and hand-paint the textures for our own designed rock in two weeks! It’s only been five weeks and we’re already concepting, which I found out to be quite the hard task.

First iteration of silhouettes

Clean-up of First silhouettes and adding form detail

    I started off the week making silhouettes for the rock concept and filling them in with value to see if I could get the right form for my rock. On the first couple of iterations of this process, my silhouettes got feedback and I was told I should look at using boulders as reference instead of cliff faces, as this gives a better sense of scale and form. So, on my second iteration I scrapped my previous mood board and references and started a fresh, completely new silhouette and value studies.
Chosen silhouettes to move onto value pass of First iteration silhouettes
Gradient overlay with highlights of forms
Detailed value pass

Begining of colour pass, until I found out my forms were misleading, which I then scrapped.
    So here are my newest iterations of rocks, using bigger, blockier forms as to give a sense of the smaller scale - as the rock was meant to be about 5ft tall. I’ve also made four different groups of mood/colour pallet: happy, dark, frozen and lava, to give each rock as much variety in look as possible.
Second iteration of silhouettes
Value pass of chosen silhouettes from this iteration

Colour and mood pass of the chosen value studies.
    Sadly I didn’t get on to modelling this week, I’ve only been able to concept as I personally struggle with it, and it takes me a long time to flesh out the ideas, colours and forms that I want in photoshop. However, on Monday I will start week 6 and get a start on my modelling!

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